Monday, December 14, 2009

Flight to Dallas

After chasing the bus to Burlington and then riding it to Seattle, Levi and I got on a plane right away. Paid and walked on... 2 hour flight to Denver where we had half an hour to grab something to eat before the next flight to Dallas. We arrived at 10pm Texas time. 2 hours ahead of you. I was totally stoked for living at the airport like 'The Terminal'. We even found a far-off corner under construction that would have been perfect. We were going to make our beds on the baggage belt that was out of order. After realizing there were no restaurants, shops, etc to enjoy, we opted out for finding a hotel. I called about 20 until I found the Super 8 for $50. So we're settled in here now and the guy who is selling me the truck just called and said he'd pay for the hotel. Should've went for the Hilton.